Oops, where does the time go?

Oops, where does the time go?

Hey everyone, yes, yes I know, I’ve been absent for a for a few months. I can only apologise, life has been pretty hectic! 🙂

Summer arrived, but of course, this being Scotland, it didn’t charge in with melting temperatures, it kind of limped up the road dragging one leg behind it and groaning. So far we’ve had one scorching week; unfortunately it was spread across the last 3 months, with one day in June, 3 in July and 3 more in August.
Apparently we might get one or two more days of sun before all the leaves have fallen and the trees start looking out their winter pyjamas. I shan't be holding my breath.

Here in the Storm-Hub I’ve been working away like a frantic thing, finishing my new colouring book! It's printed up fabulously.  It has 32 super thick pages, perfect for those of you that like to throw pens, paint and markers at your projects. There are 24 full page designs in my usual weird and wonderful style, and 8 pages full of smaller designs to colour, for when you only have a tea break to fill up.
The Weird & Wonderful Colouring Book' is up on the store now!
I ship to UK, EU & US so if you're in one of those areas grab your copy now, they're selling pretty fast!

I have also been busy managing the ins and outs of daily life with a husband, 2 mental dogs (who have asked to be excluded from this month’s blog as they want more money before agreeing to further inclusion) and a cat who is now so old and haggard, we think he might be a revenant. It's been... interesting.

Have a great end of summer peeps, and roll on spooky season!

Storm x

Stay tuned for more from the home of weird and wonderful, and don’t forget to check out my new products at www.stormseyedesign.com 🙂

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